BONNASSIE, Pierre. Les fourrures dans la Catalogne du XIe siècle In : Milieux naturels, espaces sociaux : Études offertes à Robert Delort [en ligne]. Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne, 1997. Disponible sur Internet : <>. ISBN : 9791035102241. DOI :
Il sera question dans ce billet des vêtements que l’on porte le plus souvent à l’extérieur, qui couvrent la tête d’une véritable capuche, qui couvrent aussi la nuque, la gorge et les épaules, tout en étant dépourvus de manche. Le plus connu d’entre tous les vêtements médiévaux comportant un capuchon …
Coraline Rey, « Les bâtiments de l’abbaye de Cîteaux : bilan et nouvelles données issues des sources comptables, xiie-xve siècle », Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre | BUCEMA [En ligne], 25.1 | 2021, mis en ligne le 25 juin 2021 URL : ; DOI :
Ce billet propose un rapide tour d’horizon des connaissances accessibles facilement concernant les pommes d’ambre. Qu’est-ce qu’une pomme d’ambre ? Henry Havard[01]voir le § linographie, dans le Dictionnaire de l’ameublement et de la décoration, cite Olivier de le Haye qui explique « Pomme d’ambre, écrit-il, est une pomme artificièle, composée …
Edited by Erik Kwakkel, University of British Columbia, Vancouver , Rodney Thomson, University of Tasmania
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
Online publication date : July 2018
Print publication year : 2018
Online ISBN : 9781316480205
The ‘long twelfth century’ (1075–1225) was an era of seminal importance in the development of the book in medieval Europe and marked a high point in its construction and decoration. This comprehensive study takes the cultural changes that occurred during the ‘twelfth-century Renaissance’ as its point of departure to provide an overview of manuscript culture encompassing the whole of Western Europe. Written by senior scholars, chapters are divided into three sections: the technical aspects of making books; the processes and practices of reading and keeping books; and the transmission of texts in the disciplines that saw significant change in the period, including medicine, law, philosophy, liturgy, and theology. Richly illustrated, the volume provides the first in-depth account of book production as a European phenomenon.
Delivers the first comprehensive study of the European book in the historical period known as the ‘long twelfth century’ (1075–1225)
Brings together a number of interrelated cultural-historical events such as monastic reform and the introduction of Greek and Arabic science and philosophy to place in context the development of the manuscript and book during the ‘twelfth-century Renaissance’
Chapters by leading scholars offer a multi-disciplinary approach to studying the phenomenon of the book in the twelfth-century from a European point of view